Saturday, 16 March 2013

How to Handle a Mormon

A letter to Christianity magazine in reply to this article by culture columnist Martin Saunders:

Martin Saunders asks if we should ignore, embrace or campaign against the new musical The Book of Mormon. Well, if you’re of a sensitive disposition or under the age of 15, I’d say ignore it. For everyone else, embrace it. 
Yes, the songs are potty-mouthed and profane. But they’re also very, very funny. Yes, there are pot shots at religion and the wackier Mormon beliefs. But we still end up rooting for the Mormon characters. 
Christians needn’t judge the musical with a blasphemy-ometer but as a piece of theatre. The Book of Mormon is quite simply a spiritual whoopee cushion of a show.

It'll be interesting to see if The Book of Mormon gets the same treatment as Jerry Springer with fringe Christian groups (well, group) protesting outside of theatres.

I suspect not. For one thing, the show is technically aimed at Mormons rather than Christianity in general. And the type of Christians who protest outside of theatres are unlikely to put any effort into defending Mormonism as a proper form of Christianity.

For another and more important thing, The Book of Mormon has a bucket-load more heart than Jerry Springer. Even though the profanity per minute rate is probably the same in both shows, Jerry Springer was an altogether colder and more cynical affair, whereas the Book of Mormon, despite everything, is oddly warm and sentimental. This will count for something when it comes to religious reaction.

My general prediction for the show is that there may be a few angry letters but no significant campaigns. The critics will love it and it'll find an audience for a decent West End run. But if it does go on tour, it'll die on road. Every show has its limits.

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