Sunday, 16 May 2010

Over the Rainbow (Go, Danielle!)

Now obviously this blog is concerned with the art of the true music-theatre form and, as such, would normally be above such shallow popularity contests.

(Danielle's a Wiz!)

But issues have been raised so that comment is required and, thus, I am dutifully casting a critical eye on this television programme.

(Toto'lly Awesome Danielle!)

One complaint has been that no new musical material is being showcased. What we need is not another talented musical singer but a few talented musical writers. Why doesn't Lord Andy support a reality TV show for new writers?

Well, plenty of reasons. For starters the contestants probably wouldn't be as pretty. Secondly no-one would be interested. How and why musicals work is only a topic of interest to a small number of people. Lots of people like musicals, only oddballs want to write them.

I think it's unfair to accuse Lord Andy of not supporting new work. If he liked a new musical I'm sure he'd be the first to put money into it. I suspect he just doesn't like a lot of the new work that's being produced. But what he's doing with Over the Rainbow is something else. Since the 70's musical theatre songs have generally been absent from the pop charts. By putting on a show where popular musical theatre songs are heard alongside popular chart songs, he's trying to prove that the showtunes can hold their own. Rather than trying to get showtunes into the charts the programme turns chart music into showtunes. That's a formula that does plenty to generate interest in musicals amongst a "modern" audience. And where there's an audience, there's a chance for new writers.

Duty done. Now don't ask me to watch Glee.

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